
Tamper Resistant Prescription Pads

Tamper-Resistant Prescription Pads

Effective April 1, 2008 all Medicaid prescriptions must be writen on a tamper-resistant prescription pad.

We carry tamper-resistant prescription pads that meet or exceed Medicaid Guidelines.

Medicaid Requirements (see our blog for more details --

Medicaid and CMS resources:
Letter to State Medicaid Directors
Tamper-Resistant Prescription Requirement FAQs

By April 1, 2008 (original date was October 1, 2007), all written prescriptions must be written on tamper-resistant paper containing at least one of the following three features. By October 1, 2008, they must be written on paper containing all three categories.

Category One
One or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent unauthorized copying of a completed or blank prescription form.
Examples of features in category one:

  • Void pantograph background (shows "VOID" when copied)
  • Reverse Rx Symbol
  • Micro Printing
  • Artificial watermark on back of script
  • Coin Activated Ink

Category Two
One or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent the erasure or modification of information written on a prescription by the prescriber.
Examples of features in category two:

  • Colored Shaded Pantograph background
  • Toner Grip Security Coating
  • Quantity check boxes and/or space to indicate number of medications written on prescription form

Category Three
One or more industry-recognized features designed to prevent the use of counterfeit prescription forms.
Examples of features in category three:

  • Security Feature Warning Box and Warning Bands
  • Security Back Printing
  • Coin Activated Validation
  • Batch Number identification
  • Secure Rub Color Change Ink
  • Consecutive Numbering

States may enact legislation that is more stringent than the Medicaid guidelines and states that had adopted security requirements prior to the Medicaid legislation are not required to make changes to their current program. This includes: California, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, New Jersey, New York, West Virginia, Wyoming.

Our prescription pads meet or exceed the Medicaid mandate for all three cateories.

Why is Medicaid requiring security features on all Medicaid prescriptions?

These Medicaid requirements have been put in place to prevent Medicaid prescription fraud and save millions of dollars annually due to forged or altered prescriptions. By making it harder for patients to alter or forge prescriptions, it is anticipated that Medicaid will save a significantly.

In addition, moving to tamper-resistant security pads for all written prescriptions will help providers in a variety of ways, including improved patient care, possible insurance savings, reduced taxes, and the time associated with prescription fraud.

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